IN2 Institute

All Courses

Data-Driven Storytelling

Data-Driven Storytelling


Tell data-rich stories to move the needle at work.

Learning Outcomes
  • Creative Critiquing
  • Stories + Influencing

  • Crafting Great Stories

  • Graphic Design 101
  • Storytelling with Data
Applied Curiousity



Discover how you can use curiosity to make a big splash in business.

Learning Outcomes
  • The Role of Curiosity at Work
  • Asking the Right Questions
  • Building a Culture of Curiosity
Creative Thinking Skills

Creative Thinking Skills


Tap into your creative potential for finding fresh solutions in the workplace.

Learning Outcomes
  • The Innovator’s Mindset
  • Starting Projects Effectively
  • Divergent Thinking
  • Visual Thinking + Visual Storytelling
Innovator's Journey

The Innovator's Journey


Build your innovation toolkit and set projects up for success.

Learning Outcomes
  • Innovation DNA
  • Leveraging Process Thinking
  • Reframing
  • Effective Journey Mapping
Influential Storytelling

Influential Storytelling


Learn and practice using storytelling techniques to drive decision-making.

Learning Outcomes
  • Storytelling’s Work Impact
  • The Art of Influenciing
  • Structuring Your Story
  • “Selling” your Ideas
  • Practice makes perfect!
Designer's Mindset

Designer's Mindset


Think like a designer, no matter your background.

Learning Outcomes
  • The Impact of Design
  • Intro to Design Thinking + Human-Centered Design
  • Activiating Ideation
  • Connect the Dots
Strategic Foundations of Innovation

Strategic Foundations of Innovation


Successfully lead your teams through the process of innovation.

Learning Outcomes
  • Innovation DNA
  • Levels of Innovation
  • The Innovation Process

Impactful Storytelling for Leaders


Learn to lead with storytelling that inspires change.

Learning Outcomes
  • Storytelling’s Work Impact
  • The Art of Influencing
  • Structuring Your Story
  • “Selling” your Ideas
  • Practice makes perfect!
IN2 Institute

Learn directly from design and innovation experts, with a fresh approach to corporate training.

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